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6 schnelle Tipps für eine gelungene Retrospektive
Canary Release Process Demo with Linkerd and Flagger
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Beyond Webpack: Next-gen JavaScript Bundlers
Künstliche Intelligenz löst alle Probleme … oder nicht?!
Microservices with Micronaut
Ich brauche einen Abstraktions-Layer für meine Cloud
Microservices with Micronaut
Clean Infrastructure as Code
Clean Infrastructure as Code (Aufzeichnung)
Cloud-Migration 2021: Mit der richtigen Cloud-Strategie zu einer modernen IT (Interview)
Infrastructure as Code ohne Tests ist per se kaputt!
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Kubernetes ist so viel mehr als ein Container-Orchestrierer
Making the internet faster HTTP/3 und QUIC
Migrating a JSF-Based Web Application from Spring 3 to Java EE 7 and CDI
Sichere Programmierung
Search-based business intelligence and reverse data engineering with Apache Solr
Secure JEE Architecture and Programming 101
Lightweight Developer Provisioning with Gradle
Everything as code. A polyglot journey.
Lightweight Developer Provisioning with Gradle
Kubernetes 101 and Fun
Automotive Information Research driven by Apache Solr
Secure Architecture and Programming 101
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack
Der Cloud Native Stack in a Nutshell
Everything-as-code, Polyglotte Software-Entwicklung in der Praxis
Everything-as-code. Ein polyglottes Abenteuer
The Big Cloud Native Lebowski
Per Anhalter durch den Cloud Native Stack
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack
Everything-as-code. A polyglot adventure
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack
In-Memory Computing mit Apache Ignite und Kubernetes
Cloud-native. NET Microservices mit Kubernetes
Polyglot Adventures for the Modern Java Developer