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Crossplane or: kubectl apply -f cloud-infrastructure.yaml
REST in Peace. Long live gRPC!
Fruity State Management for Vue
X is better than Y! Or is it? The Battle of Java Microservice Frameworks
X is better than Y! Or is it? The Battle of Java Microservice Frameworks
REST in Peace. Long live gRPC!
Title is loading… Cache is cold. Low latency requirement.
X is better than Y! Or is it? Quarkus & Co. in comparison
Quarkus Quickstart
6 quick tips for a successful retrospective
Canary Release Process Demo with Linkerd and Flagger
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Beyond Webpack: Next-gen JavaScript Bundlers
Artificial intelligence solves all problems … or not?!!
Microservices with Micronaut
I need an abstraction layer for my cloud
Microservices with Micronaut
Clean Infrastructure as Code
Clean Infrastructure as Code (Recording)
Cloud-Migration 2021: With the right cloud strategy to a modern IT (Interview)
Infrastructure as code without tests is broken per se!
Kubernetes as a Platform for building Platforms
Kubernetes is so much more than a container orchestrator
Making the internet faster HTTP/3 und QUIC
Migrating a JSF-Based Web Application from Spring 3 to Java EE 7 and CDI
Reliable programming
Search-based business intelligence and reverse data engineering with Apache Solr
Secure JEE Architecture and Programming 101
Lightweight Developer Provisioning with Gradle
Everything as code. A polyglot journey.
Lightweight Developer Provisioning with Gradle
Kubernetes 101 and Fun
Automotive Information Research driven by Apache Solr
Secure Architecture and Programming 101
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack
The Cloud Native Stack in a Nutshell
Everything-as-code, Polyglot software development in practice
Everything-as-code. A polyglot adventure