This is us.

It is the people and the lived culture that make up a company, not patents or processes, tools or techniques. Our working culture is characterized by mutual appreciation, feedback and high quality standards.

Our employees rate QAware as a workplace where you can be who you are. 96% of our team would recommend QAware to their friends and family as a great place to work.

Software engineering is 100% knowledge work and at its core a learning process. Our aim is to always be at least one step ahead of the state of the art. That is why the further training of our team is so important to us. Our program for this is called QAcampus and is based on the latest didactic methods. We invest 4% of our turnover in further training. All employees receive an average of 9.5 days of further training per year. This is twice the average for the IT industry.

Our Management
Dr. Josef Adersberger

Josef Adersberger is a Managing Director at QAware. He co-founded QAware in 2005 – immediately after studying computer science, during his Ph.D.. He has been lecturing and publishing on software...

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Mario-Leander Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer is a Managing Director / CTO at QAware. He is a specialist in the design, implementation, and operation of distributed system and software architectures based on open-source components....

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Michael Rohleder

Michael Rohleder is the Managing Director at QAware and has been with QAware since 2009. He studied computer science at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and, in his role as...

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Michael Stehnken

Michael Stehnken is a Managing Director at QAware. Michael Stehnken studied Applied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven. He then began his career at a product...

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Stefan Altenhof

Stefan Altenhof is Chief Business Development Officer and responsible for the strategic development of our business, including the associated portfolio and our sales. He studied computer science at Rosenheim University...

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Stefan Billet

Stefan Billet serves as a Head of Division and Lead Software Architect at QAware, where he oversees the technical success of projects, particularly those involving client BMW. His areas of...

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Dr. Marcus Ciolkowski

Marcus Ciolkowski is a Head of Division at QAware and is responsible for the professional and technical project success in the aftersales area at the customer BMW. Marcus Ciolkowski studied...

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Thomas Eifinger

Thomas Eifinger is the Chief Business Development Officer at QAware. He is responsible for the strategic development of our new customer business and integrates account management, business development, partner management,...

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Florian Engel

Florian Engel is a Business Unit Director at QAware. He studied industrial engineering at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and the University of Plymouth. He then completed his Master's...

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Josef Fuchshuber

Josef Fuchshuber is Director of Quality, Productivity and Innovation at QAware. He is responsible for software engineering, research and development, and continuing education at QAware. He studied computer science at...

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Rahel Gölz

Rahel Gölz is the Director of Human Resources at QAware. She studied business administration part-time at the VWA in Ulm and held various leading positions in the human resources sector...

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Dominik Haas

Dominik Haas is Head of Division and Senior Software Architect at QAware. In the projects, he is responsible as the chief technical designer for the success with the client BMW....

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Manuel Hampel

Manuel Hampel is a Head of Division at QAware. He is responsible for the success of projects in the aftersales area with the client BMW. Manuel Hampel studied computer science...

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Florina Herbein

Florina Herbein is the Head of Corporate Venturing at QAware. She is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategy for business model innovation, new ventures and spin-offs, as...

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Dr. Felix Ketelaar

Dr. Felix Ketelaar is Head of Division at QAware. He is responsible for the success of projects in the area of bill of materials resolution with the client BMW. Felix...

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Tim Kiefer

Tim Kiefer is Business Unit Director at QAware. He is responsible for the technical and professional success of projects at the Mainz location for various clients in the logistics, finance,...

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Rudolf Kollar

Rudolf Kollar is CFO of QAware and its Twip subsidiary. He is responsible for finance and controlling. His other main focuses include process optimization and the implementation of administrative systems....

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Dr. Alexander Krauss

Dr. Alexander Krauss is a Business Unit Director at QAware. He is responsible for the technical success of projects in the field of IT security, including for clients like Deutsche...

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Nicole Lontzek

Nicole Lontzek is Chief Marketing Officer at QAware, responsible for brand management, marketing strategy, and distribution policy. She has been with the company since mid-2024 and brings extensive experience in...

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Dr. Sascha Meinert

Dr. Sascha Meinert is a Business Unit Director at QAware. He is responsible for the success of Aftersales projects for the customer BMW. Sascha Meinert studied computer science at Eberhard-Karls-University...

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Christian Obkirchner

Christian Obkirchner is the Director of Information and Cyber Security at QAware. In this role, he is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining information security at QAware. He particularly focuses...

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Dr. Christian Ros

Dr. Christian Ros is a Head of Division at QAware. He is responsible for the success of projects in the aftersales sector for the client BMW. Christian Ros studied computer...

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Christine Rossner

Christine Rossner is the Director of Back Office Services and is responsible for office, travel, and event management. She is also a Senior Manager of Human Resources. Christine Rossner studied...

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Holger Ströbel

Holger Ströbel is a Business Unit Director at QAware. He is responsible for the project business at the customer Allianz. Holger Ströbel studied business informatics at the University of Mannheim....

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Niki Thierfelder

Nikki Thierfelder is Head of Corporate Venturing at QAware. She is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategy for business model innovation, new and spin-off ventures, as well...

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Juri Urbainczyk

Juri Urbainczyk is a Business Unit Director at QAware. He is responsible for various clients in the logistics, banking, and retail sectors. Juri studied physics at the University of Münster...

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Florian Utzt

Florian Utzt is Director of IT Infrastructure at QAware. He is responsible for the technical infrastructure and the application landscape. After completing his training as an IT Specialist, Florian studied...

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Sonja Wegner

Sonja Wegner is a Business Unit Director at QAware. She is responsible for the technical success of aftersales projects for the customer BMW. Her current focus is on the design...

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Andreas Zitzelsberger

Andreas Zitzelsberger is a Business Unit Director at QAware and a developer and architect driven by passion. Among other responsibilities, he oversees the professional and technical success of projects for...

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