There are no words for the most important things

It’s true: you can claim a lot. You probably know us from afar. Maybe from one of Leander’s talks. Where he talks about Clean Infrastructure as Code with shining eyes. Or from one of our new meetup formats, where we passionately and gleefully exchange ideas with cloud native nerds from other companies.

You’ll only see how friendly, approachable and helpful we are with each other, how much fun and ease we take in our projects, if you’re a part of us. Sometimes, we ourselves realize how important and valuable this environment really is for us when talking to friends and family.

Your new job

For graduates and professionals

You want to develop yourself further. You are attracted by complex topics. The tough nuts among the projects. And you enjoy professional calmness. Then it’s time: Take a look at our job offers. And apply. We look forward to hearing from you! We want you to do the job you do best and that you enjoy the most. Develop yourself according to your interests and skills. Various career paths are open to you:

Starting out on your career? Then start as a software engineer and get to know the world of software engineering alongside experienced colleagues. As a senior software engineer, you will assume partial responsibility in our project teams. If you are interested in the technical side of software development, become a software architect. You will be responsible for the architecture of small and large systems and design entire system landscapes. Would you rather have more contact with customers? As an IT consultant, you will analyze processes and data in order to advise our customers on applications and technical matters. You can program, but you also enjoy numbers and leading teams. Then choose the management career as an IT project manager.

Important to us: The the specialist career as an architect or consultant is equivalent to the management career as a project manager. The three roles work together as equals in the project and in the organization. And with us, development doesn’t just work in one direction: switching between the three career paths is possible and supported. This way, you can explore your interests and find out which path is right for you.

Join us now!

For students & doctoral candidates

We are happy to supervise your Bachelor’s and Master’s theses! And we always have exciting topics in the pipeline. Are you interested? Then ask for our current list of topics at Or have you already found an exciting topic yourself? Then send us your application and let us know which topic interests you and why you would like to work on it with us.

We also support PhD candidates by employing them as PhD students or by giving them time off for research. Apply to us and let us know what you are planning, what motivates you and what your goals are. After screening your application, we can talk about your plans and your future together.

For school students

Student scholarship

Every year, we support talented students in the subject of computer science with our student scholarship. Are you enthusiastic about computer science, are you already in high school and would like to gain an insight into the world of IT careers? Then find out more about your opportunities for a computer science scholarship.

Collected student internship

Every year during the summer vacation, we offer IT enthusiasts from the 9th grade onwards the chance to immerse themselves in the world of IT. Do you have a passion for IT and want to take a look behind the scenes of a successful IT project house? Then discover what awaits you in our one-week student internship and how you can gain practical experience in software engineering.

We are applying
to you

May I? QAware. Strange? Nope. Because: Applying is mutual.
We should fit together.

We are glad to meet you

Initiative application

You are looking for a team of creative soloists who play together harmoniously on the project? Everyone is unique, but the team is more than the sum of its members. We help and learn from each other.

We offer new colleagues challenging tasks, a lot of material to learn and the right place in our ecosystem for excellent software engineering. What questions do you have about working at QAware, the application process, or other topics? Your desired position is not listed and you think we should get to know each other?

Get in touch with us! Call us at +49 160 6163914 or send an email to

Thank you! We’re looking forward to receiving your application!

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