Hotspot Analysis

Let’s face it. They can happen to you, too – those big crises. When vital systems fail. Or when poor performance makes life difficult for your operators.

We analyze and diagnose your systems under development and in operation. We particularly enjoy complex, dispersed, and heterogeneous systems.

  • Analysis and diagnosis of the performance, stability, architecture, security, usability, and database of systems and complex system landscapes
  • Formulation of constructive action plans for initial care and stabilization
  • Initial care: Implementation of quick wins and local optimizations
  • Project plan for renovation with migration and rollout

We identify bottlenecks, deadlocks, and resource hogs in record time. We fix the most pressing problems immediately. We document follow-up actions in a constructive plan.


Deutsche Telekom
Compliance secured
As a development partner for Deutsche Telekom’s data protection and IT security compliance portal, we are…
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Quality and Agility

»What excites me about QAware is the mix of agility and predictability on the one hand and the high quality standards on the other. Our customers show us time and again how much they value these two aspects.

For our teams, that means digging deep, taking responsibility, looking for the best solution, and staying at the forefront of technological development. For me, lifelong learning is part of the job – no ifs, ands or buts.«

Christian Fritz, Senior Software Engineer at QAware

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