Down the Ivory Tower towards Agile Architecture

 |  Mario-Leander Reimer

iSAQB Software Architecture Gathering – Digital 2023 (Mario-Leander Reimer), Slides ansehen

Architecture for agile projects must be defined and described differently, as well as continuously developed and evolved. Not all decisions are made at once, nor are they all known right from the start of the project. This sessions presents various useful and lightweight methods, tools and team topologies that can be applied in (large) agile projects to avoid uncontrolled growth and architectural erosion but without acting from the ivory tower and thus suffocating team autonomy.

Mario-Leander Reimer
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Mario-Leander Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer ist Managing Director / CTO bei QAware. Er ist Spezialist für den Entwurf, die Umsetzung und den Betrieb[...]

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