kubectl apply -f cloud-Infrastructure.yaml mit Crossplane et al.

 |  Mario-Leander Reimer

Cloud Native Night München, März 2023, Mario-Leander Reimer. Slides ansehen

The simple and efficient development of cloud-native applications poses significant challenges for many teams. In addition to implementing functional features and microservices, developers are often also responsible for building the required cloud services using Infrastructure as Code, such as Terraform.

The associated high cognitive load unfortunately leads to overload and suboptimal solutions quickly. But there is an easier way!

This presentation demonstrates the practical use of useful frameworks to easily and quickly provision cloud infrastructure through feature teams.

Mario-Leander Reimer
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Mario-Leander Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer ist Managing Director / CTO bei QAware. Er ist Spezialist für den Entwurf, die Umsetzung und den Betrieb[...]

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