
betterCode(Spring) 2023


How to speed up Spring Integration Tests

Talk mit Dirk Kröhan, Software Architect

In diesem Talk erfahrt ihr, worauf man bei der Erstellung von Spring-Boot-Integrationstests unbedingt achten sollte, was es mit „Spring Boot Test Slices“ auf sich hat und welche Optionen es sonst noch gibt, um schnellere Integrationstests zu bekommen.

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Meetup | Cloud Native Night Mainz 6/23


Kill Cloud Bill with AI feat. StormForge | hybrid

Join our Cloud Native Night Meetup with Niels Roetert from Stormforge and our colleague Alex Krause.



KILL Cloud BILL: Common Patterns and Tips to Reduce your Cloud Bill

The cloud is affordable – IFF you know the pricing models, your current and future resource consumption, the difference between alternative services and configuration options and planned your migration carefully. Unless there is a substantial amount of experience within the design team, the overwhelming complexity and variety of options often lead to workloads with huge cost saving potentials. Unfortunately the resulting infrastructure is rarely reviewed later on.This is not a talk about reserved instances or FaaS, but instead about common patterns, small tricks and other things people miss when first building products in the cloud that help you reduce your cloud bill.

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Put the ‘Auto’ in Autoscaling – Make Kubernetes VPA and HPA work together for optimal resource provisioning

Without autoscaling, most companies recognize they’re either wasting a lot of resources or risking performance/reliability issues. There’s no way to effectively set resource requests unless your actual usage is completely flat. A way to solve this is by having knowledgeable people look at it all day to make adjustments, or you can just take the financial hit or the risk of instability. Alternatively one can use technology like machine learning to solve the issue with high accuracy and little to no effort. In this talk we’ll inform you and demonstrate to you this last option.

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Mastering Kubernetes 2023


Per Anhalter zu Cloud-nativen API Gateways


Talk mit Sonja Wegner

In diesem Vortrag werden wir das Cloud-native API-Gateway-Ökosystem näher betrachten: Gloo, KrakenD, Kong, Envoy et al. Aber welches davon ist das Richtige für den Einsatz im nächsten Projekt? Lasst es uns herausfinden!


Aus blau wird grün! Ansätze und Technologien für nachhaltige Kubernetes-Cluster


Talk mit Mario-Leander Reimer

In diesem Vortrag zeigen wir Ansätze und Technologien, die dabei helfen K8s-Cluster grün(er) zu machen. Zunächst braucht es Transparenz: Wie sieht die Energiebilanz des Clusters und seiner Workloads aus? Erst danach lassen sich diese gezielt auf ihre Energiesparsamkeit hin optimieren. Und das ist gar nicht so schwer, also packen wir es an!

Kubernetes Community Days 2023


Meet our team and join Leanders‘ talk:


Blue turns green! Approaches and technologies for sustainable K8s clusters.

Talk with Mario-Leander Reimer, Tuesday, July 18th, 10.50 AM


The cloud already has a larger CO2 footprint than the worldwide aviation industry. With increasing digitalization and cloudification this trend will continue if we don’t do anything about it. Many Kubernetes installations are greatly oversized in terms of the resources actually required and thus contribute unnecessarily to global warming. What is the energy balance of your cluster and its workloads?

In this session we will discuss approaches and technologies that help to make K8s clusters green(er). First of all, transparency is needed: what is the energy balance of the cluster and its workloads? Only then we can start to optimize for better energy efficiency. And it’s not that difficult, so let’s get started!

WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2023


Fifty Shades of Kubernetes Autoscaling

Talk with Mario-Leander Reimer


Elasticity and unlimited scalability are the holy grail for any cloud native application. Now you might think: “That’s easy!!! I just run my containers on a Kubernetes cluster and I am done.” But is it really that simple? Turns out it’s not!

Your application as well as your cloud infrastructure and K8s cluster need to address and support these non-functional requirements. This session will have a detailed and also practical look at the different ways of autoscaling in Kubernetes. We will give an overview of the technical foundations and prerequisites, and then showcase several frameworks and technologies that can be used to flexibly autoscale your cluster and your cloud native workloads.

Meetup | Cloud Native Night Mainz


Kubernetes Network Observability and Security |
Network Plugin vs Service Mesh

In this Meetup, we compare the observability and security abilities of a popular network plugin compared to a popular service mesh. Both have similar features but how difficult are they to implement? Do I need to change my applications or do they work out of the box? How much configuration is necessary? The talks will try to answer these questions for you.




Kubernetes with Cilium in AWS – Experience Report!, Bernhard Schaidhammer

Cilium is a powerful tool for network policies and also encryption between the Kubernetes nodes. Cilium hooks deep into Kubernetes in the network stack as an plugin and can even replace the AWS CNI Plugin. This talk will share our project experiences.
Topics involve:

  • Network Policies
  • Encryption
  • Hubble (Observability)
  • Installation
  • CLI Usage (Hubble / Cilium)

Service Mesh: Pain & Gain – Experiences from a client project

The topic of service mesh is still present at every major DevOps conference and is the subject of controversial discussions. A service mesh comes with the promise of implementing cross-functional requirements of microservices such as observability or secure communication without changes within the services. The operational effort and the integration of the services within the service mesh should also be problem-free. But do the common service mesh implementations keep these promises? In a client project we have gained experience with Linkerd and can say: we did not achieve the benefits without pain. We want to share these experiences and what you can take away for your next project!

Join us in Mainz! 

Container Days


Go on a Bughunt in Production, but without a map!

Talk with Dirk Kröhan


Debugging is an integral part of the everyday life of a software developer. Bugs happen, bugs are normal, bugs will always exist. There are many measures to detect bugs as early as possible, such as pair programming, code reviews, automated tests or a QA environment.
But one thing is for sure: Even with the best precautions, bugs will make it to production.

Bugs are best investigated in the environment where they occur. But for logs from production, often stricter rules apply, be it a generally higher log level or for reasons of data protection. Often exactly the information needed for an error analysis is missing. Reconstructing the error locally or on another environment is tedious and costs a lot of time, valuable time.

For our microservice architecture, we have therefore built a solution called „On-Demand Debug Logging“. This allows us to activate debug logs for individual users of our system for a certain time interval. Within a few seconds, without any code change or deployment. It allows us to see debug logs for everything that a user does on our API and across all microservices. All other logs, especially those from other users, remain unchanged.

In this talk you will get to know how we implemented the whole thing with the power of Observability, what advantages it brings and what impact it had on our error analyses.

Meetup | Cloud Native Night Munich (hybrid)


Kubernetes Network Observability and Security |
Network Plugin vs Service Mesh

In this Meetup, we compare the observability and security abilities of a popular network plugin compared to a popular service mesh. Both have similar features but how difficult are they to implement? Do I need to change my applications or do they work out of the box? How much configuration is necessary? The talks will try to answer these questions for you.


THIS MEETUP WILL BE HYBRID. Please register at Zoom Events if you’d like to attend remotely.


Our talks:

  • Kubernetes with Cilium in AWS – Experience Report!, Bernhard Schaidhammer
  • Service Mesh: Pain & Gain – Experiences from a client project, Markus Zimmermann

Join us at the Munich edition! 


Empirical Research Methods in Software Engineering and Informatics

Traditionally, Software Engineering and Informatics have been strongly influenced by Mathematics. Empirical Research has always been around, too, but has gained traction only in the past 20 years. Today, empirical research represents a major approach that is highly visible in most important conferences and journals in the field. Many reviewers will demand empirical evidence when reviewing papers making statements about the real world that are falsifiable, i.e., may be tested empirically. Yet, in education, empirical research methods are still underrepresented.

Tradition meets Inovation


Hands-on Workshop KI Chatbot und Oktoberfest

In diesem Workshop geht es um Künstliche Intelligenz: Die Veranstaltung findet vormittags bei QAware in München statt. Wir haben uns ein Hands-on-Format ausgedacht, zu dem du herzlich eingeladen bist. Wir bauen in kleinen Teams KI-Chatbots auf Basis von ChatGPT. Dann füttern wir sie mit Informationen, testen und optimieren sie. Und schließlich versuchen wir, sie zu hacken!

Nachmittags laden wir dich und die ganze Gruppe zum Oktoberfest ein.

Fragen zum Event? Schreib uns an!

Software Architecture Alliance


Endlich gute API Tests – Boldly Testing APIs Where No One Has Tested Before

Talk mit Ildikó Tárkányi


Der Traum von den unendlichen Weiten der Daten ist schnell ausgeträumt, wenn wir unsere APIs nicht im Griff haben. Dabei ist es egal, ob wir uns APIs zwischen unseren Services, zwischen Frontend und Backend oder zu Fremdsystemen anschauen – APIs sind ein fundamentaler Bestandteil unserer Softwarearchitektur und ohne Testautomatisierung geht gar nichts.


Aus blau wird grün! Ansätze und Technologien für nachhaltige Kubernetes-Cluster.

Talk mit Mario-Leander Reimer


Die Cloud hat bereits heute einen größeren CO2-Fußabdruck als die Luftfahrtindustrie, mit steigender Digitalisierung und Cloudifizierung wird sich dieser Trend fortsetzen, wenn wir nichts dagegen unternehmen. Viele Kubernetes-basierte Installationen sind gemessen am eigentlich benötigten Ressourcen Bedarf stark überdimensioniert und tragen so unnötig zur globalen Erwärmung bei. Wie sieht die Energiebilanz Ihres Clusters und Workloads aus.

Medtech Stars


Migration von stark regulierten Anwendungen in die Cloud:
Dem Teufel die Seele verkaufen oder Himmel auf Erden?


Talk mit Dr. Josef Adersberger


Abstract: Der Vortrag „Migration von stark regulierten Anwendungen in die Cloud: Dem Teufel die Seele verkaufen oder Himmel auf Erden?“ erkundet das wachsende Bedürfnis und die Herausforderungen, medizinische Anwendungen in die Cloud zu migrieren.

Bei den entsprechenden Anwendungen stellt laut einer Umfrage der Datenschutz für 82% der Anwendungen die größte Herausforderung dar, um den Schritt in die Cloud zu machen. Trotzdem wächst der Druck, diesen Schritt zu vollziehen, aufgrund des Innovations- und Digitalisierungsbedarfs, der durch gesetzliche Initiativen wie das Krankenhaus-Zukunftsgesetz, gestiegene Patientenerwartungen und den immer klareren medizinischen Impact der Digitalisierung angetrieben wird. 

Die zentrale Frage, die in diesem Vortrag erörtert wird, ist, wie man hochregulierte Anwendungen schrittweise in die Cloud migrieren kann. Hierzu werden wir einen Ansatz vorstellen und anhand von exemplarischen Anwendungen demonstrieren, wie eine solche Migration erfolgreich durchgeführt werden kann. Abschließend fassen wir den Vortrag mit fünf leitenden Prinzipien zusammen, die bei der Migration von stark regulierten Anwendungen in die Cloud beachtet werden sollten. Diese Prinzipien bieten einen nützlichen Leitfaden für Unternehmen und Institutionen, die den Umzug ihrer Anwendungen in die Cloud erwägen, und sollen dazu beitragen, die Herausforderungen der Cloud-Migration in diesem hochregulierten Bereich erfolgreich zu bewältigen.