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Cloud-friendly migration through refactoring is often the best solution
Clean Infrastructure as Code
Clean Infrastructure as Code (Recording)
Kubernetes is so much more than a container orchestrator
Migrating a JSF-Based Web Application from Spring 3 to Java EE 7 and CDI
Kubernetes 101 and Fun
Everything as code: DevOps and Continuous Delivery from the Developer’s Perspective
The secrets of high quality web applications
Chronix: Long Term Storage and Retrieval Technology for Anomaly Detection in Operational Data
Chaos Engineering on Azure AKS (Workshop)
Essential tools for productive & happy #CloudNativeNerds
The Status Quo of Chaos Engineerings
Kubernetes is so much more than a container orchestrator
Packer – Build Automated Machine Images
Using AppCDS to boost your Jakarta EE application startup time
Put Your Containers on a Secure Diet with Google Distroless
The great cloud-native FaaS hit parade
Serverless containers with Source2Image
Cloud Native Migration: How applications find their way onto a cloud native platform (Workshop)
Introduction to the Open Service Broker API
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cloud Native API Gateways
K8s is not for App Developers
Enterprise Cloud Native is the New Normal
Cloud Native Enterprises
Cloud Native News
Cloud Native News #5: It’s human in the cloud-native cosmos
Cron in the Cloud – The Top 10 Hit Parade
Cloud Native News
Stone Age was yesterday! Ways of cloud-native evolution
Fachposter: Cloud-native Apps 2.0
Cron in the Cloud – The Top 10 Hit Parade
Stone Age was yesterday! Ways of cloud-native evolution
Clusterless with AWS Fargate
Stone Age was yesterday! Ways of cloud-native evolution
Observability for all
The stone age was yesterday! Ways of cloud-native evolution.
Leveraging the power of SolrCloud and Spark with OpenShift
Nie wieder Zertifikate! – Skalierbare Sicherheit mit SPIFFE
Observability in a̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶! the wild!